Hi Lorenz,

On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 10:10AM, Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider wrote:
> Dear Maintainer,
> since gnome-session 3.24.1-2 was uploaded to testing, Gnome uses wayland by
> default. However, dmenu fails to capture the keyboard when a wayland window
> (e.g. gnome-terminal) is in the foreground. It works fine when an X11
> (Xwayland) window (e.g. chromium) is active. Are there any plans to support
> wayland?

Wayland has been discussed a number of times in the suckless mailing
list[1][2][3], and judging by the replies[4][5] it seems to me that the
community has yet to decide if they are in favor of or against migrating
to Wayland. There seems to be a port for dmenu[6], but requires that two
additional libraries be packaged for Debian. There is also bemenu[7],
which is written for Wayland and is inspired from dmenu.

That said, it seems that it will take same time before dmenu could
support Wayland.

[1] http://lists.suckless.org/dev/1302/14575.html
[2] http://lists.suckless.org/dev/1608/29977.html
[3] http://lists.suckless.org/dev/1307/16905.html
[4] http://lists.suckless.org/dev/1307/16928.html
[5] http://lists.suckless.org/dev/1608/29978.html
[6] https://github.com/michaelforney/dmenu
[7] https://github.com/Cloudef/bemenu


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