06.09.2017 17:52, Dominic Hargreaves пишет:

>> (/usr/share/request-tracker4/lib/RT.pm:394)
>> RT::CustomField::AppliedTo Unimplemented in main. 
>> (/usr/sbin/rt-dump-metadata line 187)
>> I think that upstream lost parts of this ruz commit:
>> https://github.com/bestpractical/rt/commit/c5f14ffaba354a3b63a8449f9d6e64cc73b70bfc
> Thanks, forwarded upstream now. I'm removing the patch tag as that
> removal was of AppliedTo was deliberate, I doubt that is the fix now.
> See 
> https://github.com/bestpractical/rt/commit/1aef82cfece0fad04107bccead1075d9f814c247

Thank You for link.
But rt-dump-metadata use this - see:

> FTR: I couldn't reproduce this on a clean database (including one with
> a ticket in it). Any specific steps to reproduce you can provide on the
> upstream ticket would be useful.

I think that You can add some Ticket CF to clean db and apply it queues.
I have many CFs and many queues in production

С уважением,
Космач Максим

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