Control: reassign -1 apt

On Fri, Sep 08, 2017 at 02:46:10PM +0200, Enrico Rossi wrote:
> Hi,
> Enrico Zini made this python3 code to test the problem outside debtags:
> #!/usr/bin/python3
> import apt
> def main():
>     cache = apt.Cache()
>     for pkg in cache:
>         cand = pkg.candidate
>         if not cand: continue
>         tags = cand.record.get("Tag", None)
>         if not tags: continue
>         print(, tags)
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     main()
> Running it without compressed index in apt:
> # time python3 cattags >/dev/null 
> real  0m1.671s
> user  0m1.539s
> sys   0m0.132s
> with compressed index:
> # time python3 cattags >/dev/null 
> real  1m44.238s
> user  1m33.536s
> sys   0m10.698s
> I'm going to re-assign the bug to python-apt, maybe they have more info
> on the issue.

So the problem really is that random access to lz4 compressed files
does not really exist, instead, when seeking backwards in it, we seek
to the beginning and then re-read until we reached our target position.
When seeking forward, we simply read and discard the bytes from the
current position to the target.

I'm not sure how much backward seeks are involved in that, but if
the slowdown is substantial, probably a lot. I fear that because the
tag file uses a buffer and reads further than needed in the compressed
stream that essentially *every* jump is a backward read, thus causing
a quadratic amount of bytes sum(k * average_section_size, k=1...n) to 
be decompressed - yes, you read that right, O(n^2).

That's of course inefficient. One way to work around this is to make
TagFile use FileFd's native buffering support somehow, instead of maintaining
its own buffer. Then FileFd could just seek forward in the buffer and
then (if needed) in the file  instead of discarding the buffer and
starting from the beginning again.

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