Control: tags -1 wontfix


On 19:19 Fri 08 Sep     , Edward Betts wrote:
> The protocol for 'doveadm fetch' includes a line feed after each item.
> This changed recently so the last line feed is only between items, not
> at the end.
> Responsible commit:

In this case, recently means 2.2.27, which is now almost a year old and 
included in Stretch.

> The documentation in the doveadm-fetch man page hasn't been updated to
> reflect this change.

To be fair, the documentation in doveadm-fetch(1) only mentions what 
comes *between* records:

  pager  prints each key: value pair on its own line and separates 
         records with form feed character (^L).

It never mentioned what should follow after the final record, so there's 
nothing inconsistent here.

> This change broke some of my mail handling scripts.
> Please can you revert the doveadm pager to use the previous behaviour.

I understand your frustration, but I don't consider this issue important 
enough to diverge from upstream. AFAICT, this is upstream's intentional 
decision and it seems to actually fix the output as it should have been 
in the first place.


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