
On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 1:53 AM, Osamu Aoki <aoki.os...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I didn't add even an packaging example since I can't make a small
> TTF/OTF font to be included in this package.  If you have EXTREMELY
> small font (Maybe having only "A" in it with example packaging as MIT
> license, I will add it to example.  Please send me such ;-) Thus more
> info.

I thought I would try to learn how to create a letter directly in raw
SVG code, then figure out how to bring that into FontForge to create a
TrueType font.  I had never done that before, so it was a bit of a fun
adventure.  I created a letter 'a' shape using SVG (starting with the
SVG header in an example on Mozilla's site, then drawing a circle and
a line).  Then I imported that into FontForge and used that letter to
create a TrueType font.  It turned out not to be too hard, but this is
all I have time to do right now.

I am attaching the original "a.svg" file I created, which you can view
in Firefox or probably other web browsers as well.  You can also look
at it with a plain text editor.  I had to remove the
fill="transparent" circle attribute for FontForge to accept that file.

The "Justa.ttf" file contains just the letter 'a' (and maybe some
other things that FontForge adds on its own).

You can give these files any license you want.

[I think we can remove Sean from future emails on this bug, because it
is no longer against debian-policy.]

Thank you,

Paul Hardy

Attachment: Justa.ttf
Description: application/font-ttf

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