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Hello Bernard,

thanks for taking time to file a bug report.

On 09/16/2017 03:47 PM, Bernard wrote:
> sendmail gets installed with setgid but has to be installed with setuid.

Could you please elaborate on why setgid is not enough (with the group
set to courier)? The change would grant extra permissions to sendmail,
which I'm hesitant to implement. Especially as I can successfully send
emails from normal user accounts using sendmail with setgid.

On 09/16/2017 07:23 PM, Willi Mann wrote:
> according to the previous maintainer, this bug was fixed in version
> 0.75.0-15. However, I never verified that (I reported the bug back
> then)

Thanks for this link. Interestingly, that very issue asked for the exact
opposite: changing from setuid to setgid. Willi Mann wrote this:

> Changing the permission from 4755 to 2755 (setgid instead of setuid bit) 
> solves 
> the issue.

Given the OP reports that sendmail currently has setgit set and that's
the case on my box as well, I conclude that Ondřej has properly applied
the patch asked for in #812235.

Kind Regards

Markus Wanner

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