On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 13:12:27 +0200, Peter P. wrote:
> Thank you Mike, switching to jackd2 does work for me as well! I am a bit
> hesitant to switch my system to jackd2 as there are some other
> applications that depend (more) on jackd1. I wonder if this workaround,
> for which I am very thankful, means that the crash with jackd1 will not
> me looked into further, or if it may be worked on nevertheless.

I also get success with jackd1:

    $ jackd -r -d alsa -d hw:1 -D -r 44100 &
    [1] 5042
    jackd 0.125.0rc1
    $ octave-cli -q
    >> devs = audiodevinfo;  ## no crash
    >> devs.output.Name
    ans = HDA Intel HDMI: 0 (hw:0,3) (ALSA)
    ans = HDA Intel HDMI: 1 (hw:0,7) (ALSA)
    ans = HDA Intel HDMI: 2 (hw:0,8) (ALSA)
    ans = HDA Intel HDMI: 3 (hw:0,9) (ALSA)
    ans = HDA Intel HDMI: 4 (hw:0,10) (ALSA)
    ans = hdmi (ALSA)
    ans = default (ALSA)
    ans = system (JACK Audio Connection Kit)
    >> x = audioplayer (y, fs, nbits, 7);  ## jack ID == 7
    >> play (x);  ## produces audio

I'm sorry but I use neither jackd1 nor jackd2, so this is probably as
far as I can investigate myself. And as far as I can tell they both work
with Octave. If you can investigate further and find what is causing
this on your system, please do report back. Or if you find that you can
reproduce this on a clean system and give instructions for how to do so,
someone may be able to help. But so far this looks unreproducible to me.


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