I'm suffering the very same problem than the OP with my employer's WiFi

> If I downgrade libssl1.0.2 to 1.0.2j-1 then I can connect to the
> WPA-EAP network without problem.

Good catch downgrading openssl! I can confirm the WiFi connection to
work up to libssl1.0.2-4 [1], so I guess the fix for #736687 is to blame
for this [2]:

 * Mark RC4 and 3DES as weak which removes them from the SSL/TLS
protocol (Closes: #736687).

As a *dirty* workaround, I

- re-upgraded to libssl1.0.2ll-2/stretch
- renamed /sbin/wpa_supplicant and put a wrapper script in its place
- which sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH to a location containing libssl.so.1.0.2
from [1] and then starts the renamed wpa_supplicant binary with the
original command-line parameters.





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