
On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 05:20:44AM -0400, David A Aitcheson wrote:
> > I usually use Xastir during all day, only with a TCP/IP to APRS-IS
> > connection at this moment (no radio link).
> > After more than 12 days uptime, Xastir loose many data from APRS-IS :
> >
> > - ACK messages are not received
> > - positions reports (even visible on aprs.fi) are not displayed
> >
> > There is a kind of latency time on RX data from APRS-IS.
> >
> > It is necessary to quit and restart Xastir to retreive en normal
> > behavior.

My question would be: does this occur in the latest Xastir snapshots?

It's been a long time since there was a release of Xastir and I'm sure the
Debian package is missing a number of fixes that have been applied upstream.

It's been on my todo list for a while to just update to a git snapshot to
get some fixes into the Debian package, but I've not yet had time. If
someone can tell me this doesn't happen if you build from source then that
would be an easy fix.


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