Source: haskell-relational-query-hdbc
Severity: serious

[10 of 20] Compiling Database.HDBC.Schema.IBMDB2 ( 
dist-ghc/build/Database/HDBC/Schema/IBMDB2.o )

src/Database/HDBC/Schema/IBMDB2.hs:49:10: error:
    * No instance for (FromSql SqlValue [Char])
        arising from a use of `Database.Record.FromSql.$dmrecordFromSql'
    * In the expression:
        Database.Record.FromSql.$dmrecordFromSql @SqlValue @Columns
      In an equation for `recordFromSql':
            = Database.Record.FromSql.$dmrecordFromSql @SqlValue @Columns
      In the instance declaration for `FromSql SqlValue Columns'

src/Database/HDBC/Schema/IBMDB2.hs:50:10: error:
    * No instance for (ToSql SqlValue [Char])
        arising from a use of `Database.Record.ToSql.$dmrecordToSql'
    * In the expression:
        Database.Record.ToSql.$dmrecordToSql @SqlValue @Columns
      In an equation for `recordToSql':
            = Database.Record.ToSql.$dmrecordToSql @SqlValue @Columns
      In the instance declaration for `ToSql SqlValue Columns'

src/Database/HDBC/Schema/IBMDB2.hs:70:15: error:
    * Could not deduce (ToSql SqlValue [Char])
        arising from a use of runQuery'
      from the context: IConnection conn
        bound by the type signature for:
                   getPrimaryKey' :: IConnection conn =>
                                     conn -> LogChan -> String -> String -> IO 
        at src/Database/HDBC/Schema/IBMDB2.hs:(61,1)-(66,29)
    * In a stmt of a 'do' block:
        primCols <- runQuery' conn primaryKeyQuerySQL (scm, tbl)
      In the expression:
        do { let tbl = map toUpper tbl'
                 scm = map toUpper scm';
             primCols <- runQuery' conn primaryKeyQuerySQL (scm, tbl);
             let primaryKeyCols = normalizeColumn <$> primCols;
             putLog lchan
             $ "getPrimaryKey: primary key = " ++ show primaryKeyCols;
             .... }
      In an equation for getPrimaryKey':
          getPrimaryKey' conn lchan scm' tbl'
            = do { let tbl = ...
                   primCols <- runQuery' conn primaryKeyQuerySQL (scm, tbl);
                   let primaryKeyCols = ...;
                   .... }

src/Database/HDBC/Schema/IBMDB2.hs:87:18: error:
    * Could not deduce (ToSql SqlValue [Char])
        arising from a use of runQuery'
      from the context: IConnection conn
        bound by the type signature for:
                   getColumns' :: IConnection conn =>
                                  -> conn
                                  -> LogChan
                                  -> String
                                  -> String
                                  -> IO ([(String, TypeQ)], [Int])
        at src/Database/HDBC/Schema/IBMDB2.hs:(76,1)-(82,44)
    * In the second argument of `($)', namely
        `runQuery' conn columnsQuerySQL (scm, tbl)'
      In a stmt of a 'do' block:
        cols <- lift $ runQuery' conn columnsQuerySQL (scm, tbl)
      In the second argument of `($)', namely
        `do { let tbl = map toUpper tbl'
                  scm = map toUpper scm';
              cols <- lift $ runQuery' conn columnsQuerySQL (scm, tbl);
              guard (not $ null cols)
                  ("getFields: No columns found: schema = "
                   ++ scm ++ ", table = " ++ tbl);
              let notNullIdxs
                    = map fst . filter (notNull . snd) . zip ... $ cols;
              .... }'
/usr/share/cdbs/1/class/ recipe for target 'build-ghc-stamp' 
make: *** [build-ghc-stamp] Error 1

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