after upgrading from jessie to stretch I cannot contact my w2k3
terminalserver via rdesktop anymore:

# dpkg -l rdesktop
ii  rdesktop       1.8.3-2+b1   amd64
# rdesktop w2k3hostname
Autoselected keyboard map de
Failed to negotiate protocol, retrying with plain RDP.
Speicherzugriffsfehler <-- german for segmentation fault

if i downgrade only the rdesktop package back to the jessie version it
works again:

# dpkg -l rdesktop
ii  rdesktop       1.8.2-3+deb8 amd64
# rdesktop w2k3hostname
Autoselected keyboard map de
Failed to negotiate protocol, retrying with plain RDP.
WARNING: Remote desktop does not support colour depth 24; falling back
to 16

I tried to compile rdesktop to run a debugger but I don't manage to get
the compilation running. it uses opaque struct BIGNUM directly
without pointer and some x509 stuff where I absolutly do not understand
how this should compile. So I am unsure how to help debugging here.


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