Package: debdate
Severity: wishlist

As discussed in
there is a request not to use a name that is suggestive of a monarchy.

Of course, I agree that having a king would be pretty bad for Debian,
altought considering what the release names are this package would refer
at most to a mostly harmless puppet king.

Chris Lamb wrote that:

> "Regnal" is really quite an esoteric English word these days.

This was, however, precisely by design, as this method of dating is
quite an esoteric one that has passed in disuse (for quite a number of
good practical reason).

I've tried to look for another name for this kind of dating, but it
seems to me that at least on the historical articles on wikipedia
"regnal" is the standard name used, even in cases like the roman 
consules that wheren't kings (nor, during the empire, rulers).

Another term that occurs in those articles is "era name", which could be
made to fit, altought it is less precise.

So, if there is a proposal that I've missed that doesn't involve kings
but evokes the same feel of "out of an history wikipedia page" I would
be happy to hear it and change the short description, otherwise I can
try to use something with "era name" or keep the "regnal" one.

In the long description I would continue to use "regnal date" and add
"release date", to ease searching.

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