On 13 October 2017 at 10:47, Graham Inggs wrote:
| Control: reassign -1 src:r-base
| Control: affects -1 =
| Control: retitle -1 r-base: fix calling methods on dots generics
| Hi Dirk
| r-bioc-biocgenerics, r-bioc-s4vectors and r-bioc-iranges all got 
| workarounds for this and autopkgtests are passing again [1][2].
| The regression was fixed in R-3-4-branch r73465.  I have no idea if 
| anything else in the archive is affected as not all packages have 
| working autopkgtests.  Would you please consider uploading 'R 3.4.2 
| Patched' from svn >= r73465?  r73475 includes a test.

Could do.  We never needed a patch release in all those years.

Some years we end up with three, four, or even five point releases before the
next annual one.  I'd be inclined to just wait.


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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