On Wed, 27 Sep 2017 10:10:11 +0200 "Thomas Schmitt" <scdbac...@gmx.net> wrote:
>   $ cme modify dpkg-control binary:-libburn-dbg
>   cme: using Dpkg::Control model
>   Reading package lists... Done
>   Building dependency tree
>   Reading state information... Done
>   Changes applied to dpkg-control configuration:
>   - binary: deleted entry libburn-dbg
>   $ echo $?
>   0
> The file debian/control gets a new mtime, but its content does not
> change (which i appreciate a lot in this situation).

Indeed. I want cme commands to be idempotent. That's why the command exits 0 
even if the libburn-dbg does not exists in the control file.

Thanks for the report

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