hey antoine,

On Sat, Feb 18, 2006 at 01:54:46PM +0100, Antoine Barrillon wrote:
> Well you could be ;)
> include($config["library_path"] . "/adodb/adodb.inc.php");
> doesn't work since the adodb is not in the .deb, but
> include("/home/sites/karadoc.net/ftp/web/www/cacti-0.8.6h/lib/adodb/adodb.inc.php");
> works and magically fixes things !

good catch!  about my lack of optimism: perhaps i should have
been more positive thinking... but i find that when one is
a pessimist one is more likely to be pleasantly surprised :)

hrm... that's really strange.  so they're doing something in their
included adodb that isn't forwards-compatible with the latest
version of adodb i guess?  either that or debian's adodb is
b0rken.  i wouldn't be surprised from either possibility.

okay... so i'll have to think about this for a bit, but my hunch
is that i'll do something like the following:

- ship the next version of cacti with the old adodb, but not have
  it default to using it.
- provide a way to use one instead of the other, and mention this
  in README.Debian
- mention the bug to upstream... this might need a bit more information,
  like what exactly is going wrong.

about this last point... now that we have a "does work" and "does not
work" environment set up, do you think you could provide the
following from both?

- a log of http queries generated from refreshing the page
- a log of mysql queries generated from refreshing the page

the first is probably much easier than the second, so i'd look at
that first to see if there's anything suspicious.  if we can
find what query is broken it will provide us with a good hint
about where the breakage is.  


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