Hi Rene,

Thanks for your prompt feedback!

Op Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 03:51:10PM +0200 schreef Rene Engelhard:
> On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 11:30:08AM +0200, Joost van Baal-Ilić wrote:
> > I feel these days, muttprint is getting a bit stale.  It is not suitable
> Yeah, true.
> > to use with modern email:
> But this is not an argument. What is "modern email"? Bogusly formatted mail?
> Broken E-Mail from not proper encoding/proper MIME? (Note I am not a mail
> encoding/MIME expert but...)? HTML email?

I meant e.g. properly encoded multipart/alternative ascii-text/html e-mail.  I
do not expect muttprint to "fix" broken improperly formatted mail.

> > - it keeps stuff like "Subject: =?utf-8?Q?blah blah?=" as-is and does not 
> > know
> >   how to deal with this encoding of non-ascii stuff in Subject headers.
> AFAIK it takes what mutt see and gives to the print-command. If that
> Subject is broken so it is.

Yes, indeed, I just found out.

> > - it keeps stuff like
> > 
> >  Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="B_ALT_59e07adc16e56"
> >  Sender:  <prod10...@srv8.delcomsubdomain.com>
> > 
> >  This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> >  Your email application may not support this format.
> > 
> >  --B_ALT_59e07adc16e56
> >  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> >  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> > 
> >  Beste Joost Baal-Ilic,
> >  
> >  --B_ALT_59e07adc16e56
> >  Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
> >  Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> >  
> >  <p>Beste Joost Baal-Ilic,</p>
> >  
> >  --B_ALT_59e07adc16e56--
> > 
> >  just as-is and does not choose e.g. to just skip the html alternative.
> I have never had a problem printing mails which also has a html alternative.
> and I am using jessie on my server where I read mails...

Indeed, you are right (and I was wrong).  muttprint properly deals with both
"Subject: =?utf-8?Q?blah blah?=" and rightfully skips html alternatives in
multipart/alternative messages.

It's just that one _has_ to invoke muttprint as mutt's internal 'printcommand';
when invoked as "muttprint -p - -f - <mail.msg >mail.ps" muttprint does not
know how to deal with encoded subjects or mime structures.

> > I feel these lacking features should either
> > 
> > - get added
> > - get properly and clearly documented.  (The package Description currently 
> > has
> >   "Muttprint formats the printing of Mutt and other mail clients to be as
> >   pretty as the printing of Mozilla or Kmail."; I don't think that's still 
> > true...)
> > - or the package should get removed from Debian
> No, one should just print a) proper mails and/or b) make them so that mutt
> displays them correct and/or fix mutt wrt b)
> > .  How do you feel about this?
> Obviously I disagree.

So do I, now :)

I wrongly assumed mutt would feed the raw message on printcommand's STDIN...
 :-/ .  Closing this bug; sorry for the noise!



Joost van Baal-Ilić                       http://abramowitz.uvt.nl/
                                                 Tilburg University
mailto:joostvb.uvt.nl                               The Netherlands

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