
2017-10-15 13:24 GMT+02:00 Mattia Rizzolo <mat...@debian.org>:
> On Sun, Oct 15, 2017 at 12:41:53PM +0200, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo wrote:
>> >> libxslt needed also to add "rename" as B-D, which I added in a recent
>> >> NMU.
>> >
>> > About that, next time please consider using the delayed queue, and for
>> > packages where I'm somehow involved consider also picking the unreleased
>> > changes from the git repositories :)
>> Sorry about that Mattia.  Since there almost no uploads in the last
>> year (other than fixes for old suites), and the FTBFS bug open for 2
>> or 3 weeks without replies, I thought that the package was a bit
>> behind in maintenance
> Yes, it is definitly under-maintained…  (as libxml2 is, btw) :(
> That's why, don't get me wrong, I'm very happy you NMUed it!  I just
> hoped you could give a notice before it landed, so I could suggest you
> picked the unreleased VCS changes :)

Yes, you're right.

I set delayed on all my NMU uploads lately, fixing different
rebootstrap/cross-compilation bugs, plus some additions.  I didn't do
it for the reasons explained, and also to have time to fix things if
there was something wrong that needed urgent fixes (I don't always
know what I'll be doing in 10~15 days; and in this case, 2~5 was bad
because I would be travelling).

But perhaps I should just have waited, to allow for some feedback...
it's a good thing to take into account in future uploads :-)

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montez...@gmail.com>

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