> * Trying to build an application with gnuradio-qtgui support:

Thank you for reporting this.

OK. I would hope that your qt-chooser and qmake would just do the right

But: Debian has multiple versions of Qwt available. Debian gnuradio
packages are built using libqwt5-qt4-dev - so you should probably use
that version too.

My bad for not listing libqwt5-qt4-dev as a gnuradio-dev Recommends.

So I'm not seeing how you get the various -I options in your CFLAGS.
Using libqwt5-qt4-dev involves a -I/usr/include/qwt-qt4

Also my bad (and upstream gnuradio bad) for not having this via
`pkg-config --cflags gnuradio-qtgui`
because that might have been useful.

If your application builds via CMake, I suggest putting the following
in your CMakeLists.txt file:

 find_package(Gnuradio "3.7" REQUIRED)
 message(STATUS "QWT Version: ${QWT_VERSION}")
 message(STATUS "QWT Include: ${QWT_INCLUDE_DIRS}")
 message(STATUS "QWT Library: ${QWT_LIBRARIES}")

and then using ${QWT_INCLUDE_DIRS} and ${QWT_LIBRARIES} to
tell CMake you are using them:


that would use the FindQwt.cmake file installed with gnuradio-dev to do
the right things for you.

> I am forced to apply a workaround in the build process:
> sed -i 's/<qwt_symbol.h>/<qwt\/qwt_symbol.h>/g' 
> /usr/include/gnuradio/qtgui/sink_c.h
> sed -i 's/<qwt_color_map.h>/<qwt\/qwt_color_map.h>/g' 
> /usr/include/gnuradio/qtgui/qtgui_types.h
> sed -i 's/<qwt_scale_draw.h>/<qwt\/qwt_scale_draw.h>/g' 
> /usr/include/gnuradio/qtgui/qtgui_types.h

Undo that, and figure out how to get the build to set the right -I path
for you.

If you have /usr/include/qwt/qwt_symbol.h on your system from the
libqwt-dev package, that goes with the libqwt6 library package.

The gnuradio packages use libqtw5-qt4 because that is what the pyqwt5
Python package uses, and gnuradio has both Python and C++ using Qwt.

If your application really wants Qt5 and libqwt6 then it will not be
happy with the gnuradio backports packages build with Qt4 and libqwt5-qt4
5.2.3. Good luck!

See also: #787300 #875115

Thanks again for your report,

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