Package: torbrowser-launcher
Version: 0.2.8-3
Severity: normal
Tags: pending
Usertags: linux-4.14


we ship this profile in complain mode (i.e. it does not block
anything but logs what it does) in the hope someone starts maintaining
it some day. This did not happen so the benefit is non-existent.

On Linux 4.14 the corresponding cost increased *a lot*: one single
start of Tor Browser added no less than 27880 lines to my kernel logs,
because AppArmor mediates many more operations in Linux 4.14.

IMO it's time to stop shipping this profile.

I did this in Vcs-Git (debian-sid branch), not built nor
tested though.

Do you folks think you could upload this within 1-2 weeks, before
Linux 4.14 reaches sid? Otherwise, let me know and I'll upload myself.


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