Control: tags -1 pending

Dear FTP Team,

could you please remove the marked icedove versions from the archive?
As Ben pointed out these packages and source tarballs contain non-free
stuff by the shipped jshint.js file.
We expanded the filtering for that file starting in preparation for
version 43.0b1. So at least since icedove/43.0~b1-1 we don't include
that file within the repacked tarball.

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 03:58:34PM +1000, Ben Finney wrote:
> Control: reassign -1 src:firefox
> Control: retitle -1 firefox: contains JSHint work under non-free licence
> Control: found -1 firefox/45.0.1-1
> Control: found -1 firefox/46.0~b5-1
> Control: found -1 firefox-esr/45.0.1esr-1

[---- snip ---->]

> Control: found -1 icedove/31.5.0-1~deb7u1
> Control: found -1 icedove/31.8.0-1~deb7u1
> Control: found -1 icedove/31.8.0-1~deb8u1
> Control: found -1 icedove/40.0~b1-1
> Control: found -1 icedove/42.0~b2-1

[<---- snip ----]

> Control: found -1 iceweasel/31.8.0esr-1~deb7u1
> Control: found -1 iceweasel/38.5.0esr-1~deb7u2
> Control: found -1 iceweasel/38.7.1esr-1~deb8u1
> On 28-Jan-2016, Bastien ROUCARIES wrote:
> > mozilla/dom/system/gonk/tests/marionette/ril_jshint/jshint.js
> > 
> > is licenced under evil licence...
> This is (not an identical copy, but clearly derived from) JSHint
> version 2.1.3 <URL:>.
> Receipients do not have free-software license in this work. The only
> license granted has the non-free “Good, not Evil” restriction.
> > Please repack and notify in order to remove old
> > package.
> This same content is found (according to in:
> * firefox
> * firefox-esr
> * iceweasel
> * icedove
> <URL:>
> Maintainer, should we make separate bug reports for each of those?


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