On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 10:48:13AM +0100, Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:
> /lib/udev/rules.d/60-openocd.rules
> just contains the string
> contrib/60-openocd.rules

Ah! I see the problem now (though am confused as to why I don't see it
on my system); the contents of the /lib/udev/rules.d/60-openocd.rules
file is incorrect. I suspect that's something to do with the changes I
made to switch to pure debhelper in -2. I'll investigate.

> I've upgraded openocd at least a couple of times in the past, and I
> can't see many updates in Debian changelog. According to the aptitude
> logs I still have on my system the oldest openocd I had installed was
> 0.9.0-1+b2
> but it is not listed in the debian changelog.

It's a binary rebuild; no source changes, just picking up newer
build dependencies. In general there'll be a changelog.amd64.gz in such
packages that will tell you what the rebuild is for (but it won't be
present in later versions of the package).


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