> If you look at our monitoring result page for your mirror right now:
> https://mirror-master.debian.org/status/mirror-info/debian.mirror.su.se.html
> you'll notice that our script sees two different trace files from your
> mirror, alternatingly.
> One from 2017-10-27 04:21:39 and one from 2017-10-27 04:21:40.
> If you load balance behind a single name, is there any way you can
> ensure that all instances provide the same content?

Yes, the service is load balanced between two hosts. I didn't thought
that should be a problem.

> Alternatively, is there a way we can access the backends indivually for
> our checks?

We can go either way, which ever you prefer.
1. Set up a master-slave senario where we only sync upstream from one
   of our machines and only front machines that are up to date.
2. Allow http access directly to the machines without the load balancer.

How do you normally handle this kind of issues?


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