On Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 10:20:49PM -0500, Justin Pryzby wrote:

> Apparently the header file for zlib is the primary documentation.
> Thats not too bad.  But I wonder if the header file shouldn't be
> reorganized, so the higher level functions are at the beginning.

I assume that by "higher level functions" you mean gzio and the wrappers
for inflate() and deflate()?  One could equally argue that by putting
those at the foot of the file and the core inflate() and deflate() calls
at the top with more obscure functions in between the header makes it
relatively easy to navigate to the more commonly used functions (for a
large proportion of applications inflate() and deflate() are used
directly, either for network use or because holding all the data to be
compressed in memory would be excessive).

> Presently, 80% of the file is stuff I don't really want to know about
> .. and I expect others would feel the same way.

There's not a lot of fat in there: it's pretty much all API.

Can I suggest that the best approach here is to close the bug and for
you to take this up directly with upstream?  I personally don't really
see the problem you're describing so I doubt that if I did take this
uptream I'd be the most effective advocate.

If it were me I'd be more inclined to mark the comments up to be
processed by doxygen or similar: I imagine that would be useful to more

"You grabbed my hand and we fell into it, like a daydream - or a fever."

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