severity 880979 grave
reassign 880979 src:linux
forcemerge 880979 865303 
affects 880979 libreoffice-wiki-publisher
affects 880979 libreoffice-nlpsolver
affects 880979 libreoffice-calc


On Mon, Nov 06, 2017 at 04:36:29PM +0100, Sulyok Attila wrote:
> I experinenced an immediate crach when starting NLPsolver extension.  

The NLPsolver extension is in libreoffice-nlpsolver, not in -calc...

> I am regular user of this non-linear extension package.
> Recently, I updated my Libreoffice-set to 5.4.2 from stretch-backport.

... and your kernel, probably ... longer ago...

> I have worked on my sheets for a week, and now I started an NLPsolver step 
> that caused a prompt crash.

Yes, known. It's Java.

> I repeated it a few times with the same crashing end.
> I checked the installation and everything was good.
> I deleted and reinstalled the NLP extension, but it did not help.
> A cleared the whole libreoffice installation and went back to the 5.2.7 
> version of the stable, beacause it worked well previously.
> I received the same crashing result.

Exactly. Because it's not LO at fault.

> Because the NLP package itself is not a new one, I assume there is some 
> glitch in the debian package and/or there is 
> some faulty error treating in the LibreOffice.

No, in Java and the kernel.

> Now I see two problems.
> 1. It is not a normal situation if the Calc of LibreOffice crashes when 
> something is not proper in its environment.


> 2. What do I need to do to restore my LibreOffice ability to use the NLP 
> again ?

Fix the Linux kernel and/or Java. Or use amd64 instead of i386. This is
a know problem and doesn't happen on amd64.


#865303 [G|u|=☣] [src:linux] libreoffice: Libreoffice Java features crash with 
Linux 3.16.43-2+deb8u1

(and the bugs merged with it)

#876051 [i|+|☣] [openjdk-8-jre-headless] i386 applications using JNI may crash 
due to Hotspot workaround for Exec Shield
#876068 [i|+|☣] [openjdk-7-jre-headless] i386 applications using JNI may crash 
due to Hotspot workaround for Exec Shield


#876069 [i|+|☺☣] [openjdk-9-jre-headless] i386 applications using JNI may crash 
due to Hotspot workaround for Exec Shield 

(I just noticed that this fixed, not available in stable yet. Maybe I should
force that newe(er) OpenJDK 9 for i386 for buster/sid/stretch-backports if it's
available there.)

See also the press coverage months ago:



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