At 2017-11-06T18:51:32-0500, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> > > > 10. Remove boldfacing from portions of code examples; these escapes
> > > >     changed the font family back to Times from Courier.  If this change
> > > >     is unacceptable, I can come up with one that will stay within the
> > > >     Courier family, but it will only work for groff.  I don't know of
> > > >     a portable way to do what I think is desired here.
> > > 
> > > This is a problem, since I'm using the boldface to guide
> > > a script which generates the hyperlinks here:
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > The \fP's should have done what was needed to restore the font-family...
> > 
> > Ah.  I'll revert that part for my next patch submission, than.
> thanks :-)

I note that PRIMARY, SELECT, and CLIPBOARD all get the boldface
treatment, but CUT_BUFFER[01] do not.  Would you like me to bold these
as well for consistency and potential future documentation, or leave
them alone?

> fwiw, I wrote a script yesterday which compares the copies of the
> macros with a reference version (thinking of ncurses).

Of course!  Once you've done it right once, automate it!  :D


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