
I finally got through the compilation's errors.

So if you take my repo, you should be able to build into sbuild a deb
package for visit. It does build with python2 and Qt5.

Be careful, it doesn't respect the Debian way at all : The FHS is not
respected and some libraries are bundle in it (gfortran, etc.). I have
build only one big .deb, but it may be split (python-visit, visit-dev,

I also had to disable some functionalities in visit (HDF5, Silo, GDAL),
BoxLib, as it triggers some  compilation's errors.

It is sufficient for our internal needs, so I won't invest more time in
it. But if anyone wants to bring visit into Debian, feel free to use my
work, it could be a start.

Kind regards,



Adrien Grellier <adrien.grell...@ec-nantes.fr> (02 40 37 15 55)
Informaticien du LHEEA
CNRS – École Centrale de Nantes

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