control: tags -1 -patch
control: severity -1 wishlist

>>>>> "Russ" == Russ Allbery <> writes:

    Russ> Hugh McMaster <> writes:
    >> The packages krb5-multidev and libkrb5-dev are not multi-arch
    >> installable.

    >> A diff of the i386 and amd64 variants of krb5-multidev reveals a
    >> file conflict in /usr/bin/krb5-config(.mit).

    >> The -L$libdir option causes this conflict, due to the hard-coded
    >> /usr/lib/<triplet> path.

    >> On Debian, this path is not needed to link with libraries in
    >> /usr/lib/<triplet>. So I have attached a patch removing this
    >> option, 
    Russ> Removing this option will break krb5-multidev.  It will no
    Russ> longer be possible to build software against MIT Kerberos with
    Russ> only krb5-multidev but not libkrb5-dev installed, which is the
    Russ> whole point of krb5-multidev.

In particular, it is not -L /usr/lib/triplet, but
/usr/lib/triplet/mit-krb5, which for obvious reasons is not included by
default in the Debian linker.

Russ, I'm feeling really embarrassed that I didn't notice wthis.

    Russ> I'm not sure how best to fix this other than no longer using
    Russ> krb5-config and shipping a pkgconfig script or something.

we do ship a pkg-config script and that handles this correctly.
How does pkg-config figure out which arch you're building for?

I wonder if there is some way we can detect what arch to use from what
CC is set to.

Eventually we may get to a place where we can remove krb5-config from
krb5-multidev and depend on pkgconfig, but as Russ hints I don't think
we are there today.

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