I was hit by this too.

This is what I understand:

This setting is enabled by default for privacy/security reasons. It makes connection fail with some HW/drivers due to the drivers themselves, so the rootcause is not in network-manager itself.

This results in poor user experience for impacted users but the devs may not be willing to sacrifice security to workaround an issue in buggy drivers.

Is this a setting that could be exposed in a GUI such as network-manager-gnome? Could it be an acceptable compromise?

The user with a connection issue would open the connection settings dialog et found a checkbox:

  [X] Randomize MAC address during scan

There would be a tooltip explaining that while this might be desirable, it is known to cause issues on some HW/drivers. The user would uncheck it and try again.

Should we open a bug on network-manager-gnome for this?


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