Hi Nicholas,

On Mon, 2017-11-27 at 18:18 -0500, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
> This is possibly a bit verbose, but I think it's important to say how
> work done with TexMaths can be transferred to another editor.  eg:
> someone begins work with TexMaths and he/she needs to get some work
> done on a system where LibreOffice cannot be installed.  And besides,
> isn't that sort of thing part of the beauty/utility of TeX? ;-)

Here's my revision:

 and the LaTeX source is stored alongside the image in the ODT
 format. TexMaths can be used to edit the source and regenerate the
 image, or one can unzip the ODT and extract the LaTeX source from the

Also, the package is now uploaded at https://mentors.debian.net/package


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