Package: environment-modules
Version: 4.0.0-1
Source: modules

The contents of the file /usr/share/modules/init/sh are messed up and do not 
define the `module` function, thus breaking environment-modules.
This file is sourced by /etc/profile.d/ when the shell is /bin/sh or 
anything unknown (e.g. `-su').

Current behavior:
$ sudo su -
# module list
-su: module: command not found

Expected behavior:
$ sudo su -
# module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
<list of modules>

This is because the debian/patches/paths.patch file in the Debian source 
package patches modules-4.0.0~beta/init/ with messed up contents.
This patch should be fixed (for, the part is fine).

I am using Debian buster/sid. (The bug is not present on Debian 9.1, with 
environment-modules 3.2.10-10.)

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