On Fri, 11 Mar 2016 21:04:38 +0100 Alexandre Detiste <alexandre.detiste@gmail.
com> wrote:
> Package: usbmuxd
> Version: 1.1.0-2+b1
> Severity: normal
> This is not a duplicate of #562817.
> The directory /var/lib/lockdown can be created
> by usbmuxd with a single file called "SystemConfiguration.plist".
> Code is here, a bit obfuscated by all the defines:
> https://sources.debian.net/src/usbmuxd/1.1.0-2/src/conf.c
> This happened when someone used my laptop's
> usb port to charge up his iPhone.
> This file is never removed on purge.
> So just please "rm -rf /var/lib/lockdown" in postrm.


I'm considering NMU-ing usbmuxd to update it to a more recent git snapshot.

I'm not really sure we want to remove completely the lockdown directory, even
at purge time. That directory will contains pairing records to various
idevices (usually managed by idevicepair). If there are records there, I don't
really think we want to remove them.

Maybe it'd be enough to rm /var/lib/lockdown/SystemConfiguration.plist ; rmdir
/var/lib/lockdown || true

That way, if usbmuxd was never used to actually pair an iphone/ipad, the
cleanup would be done, but otherwise no pairing record would be lost (that
beeing said, if the package is reinstalled later, the
SystemConfiguration.plist will be recreated, maybe with a different ID so I'm
unsure the pairing records will still be valid).


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