On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 09:37:32PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
> This is okay 80% of the time and badly needs manual editing the remaining
> 20% of the time.  I personally would never be willing to forgo good
> changelogs in that remaining 20% of the time that can't really be handled
> with commit messages, and the systems I've seen for embedding metadata in
> Git just seem awkward.

I've seen some systems used very well, which can reliably generate NEWS
files with zero interaction. Those systems ought to be able to generate
debian/changelog similarly.

> That said, one reason why I hold this position is that I've personally
> found the concerns with changelogs checked into Git to be vastly
> overblown, and they've never caused me significant problems in practice.
> Those who have had other experiences might reach different cost/benefit
> tradeoffs.

I've had quite a few negative experiences with that, including merge
conflicts and having to write messages twice.

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