Control: reassign -1 src:gradle
Control: found -1 3.2.1-5
Control: fixed -1 3.4.1-2


I'm going to reassign this bug to gradle because the issue is really in
gradle 3.2.1. It is fixed in 3.4.1-2 in experimental. Mockito will build
from source again as soon as gradle 3.4.1 is uploaded to unstable and
another revision of Mockito is uploaded as well that addresses another
issue with testng. The changes were already pushed to the Git repository.

Currently the failing bnd package is the only blocking bug for uploading
gradle 3.4.1 to unstable. It would be nice if we could fix this without
having to package the latest upstream release of bnd because this will
most likely create other issues for us and needlessly delay the fix for
this bug.



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