On 07.12.2017 16:41, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
> Source: gcc-7
> Version: 7.2.0-17
> Severity: normal
> User: debian-...@lists.debian.org
> Usertags: m68k
> Hi!
> After gccgo-7 was disabled for m68k in #853906 as gcc-7 didn't build
> successfully with the Go front enabled on that target, I'm happy to
> report that I have successfully re-tested gcc-7 on m68k meaning the
> build no longer fails :).
> I haven't done thorough testing yet, but I the fact that gcc-7 builds
> fine with Go enabled already means that the compiler works which is
> enough for us to do further testing of Go on m68k in the future.
> So, please remove m68k from "go_no_cpus" in debian/rules.defs.

what about gcc-8?

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