On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 03:00:28AM -0200, Rogério Brito <rbr...@gmail.com> 
> > This is annoying, but let's chalk this down to an idiosyncratic author and
> > hey, I am not easy either, right?
> (...)
> You probably saw this behavior already, but please, if after you've
> used the --citation option you still see problems, please let me know.

As I already wrote, I have this problem after using the --citation option.

> Otherwise, I fail to see what problems you could have with the initial
> setup of the program.

I think I clearly explained it - you would need to give me a hint at what
part is difficult to understand. To repeat it, in short, first parallel tells
meI cna silence the message with --citation, which is a lie (try it out
yourself), then it pauses execution and forces me to enter "will cite".

> > At this point the program stops and basically asks me to lie - I can't
> > cite it because I am not even preparing a paper that could contain
> > citations, so why should I enter "will cite"?
> That's not true.

It is true, I tried it out just now.

> Your promise is not a lie

It is a lie - I wouldn't cite my use of GNU/Linux, Debian, my digital
wristwatch, the Coca Cola company or latex and a lot more just because I
used it while preparing a paper, and the obnoxious behaviour of gnu parakllel
cetrainly makes me less inclined to do so.

Whether I lied or not is peripheral to the problem, of cours,e but
nevertheles, I am quite sure that I lied when I entered "will cite" to get
me script running.

Just as gnu parallel lied to me when it wrongly claimed that I cna silence
the message with --citation, unless you count an even longer message with
ym script breaking as "silenced" (I don't). It also lied to me when it
made wrong and misleading claims about what academic tradition requires.

That's also not the main point.

The main point is that gnu parallel should not add additional restrictions
over what the GPL allows me to do and should certainly not mislead users
on purpose by making them jump through hoops and make promises they can't

> cite---but it is also your right to lie to a Free Software program, as
> in Stallman's "Freedom 0").

I can do a lot of things legally that are not ok morally. I thinm
GNU/Debian should do whats right, not what it can get away with.

> I know that you know this, but it is simply vacuously true:
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuous_truth>. Let P be the statement
> "I write an academic paper" and Q be "I will cite GNU parallel
> correctly". Then, P => Q is vacuously true and you haven't lied.

I think you thoroughly misunderstood that page, but you also thoroughly miss
the point here.

Let me spell it out clearly - I do not plan to cite gnu parallel in any
paper I write, no matter how many members the set of papers I will write

> You can do that. I don't intend to patch the upstream code with a
> patch here in Debian, unless you elaborate a bit more to convince me.

1. If you can't see what's wrong about a program that tells you to use a switch
to silence an informational message but instead halts execution and prints an
even longer message, and
2. if you can't see whats wrong about a program that asks you to make
promises under false pretense just so that it works and
3. if you can't see whats wrong about a program that adds additional
restrictions on use over the GPL then

I don't know how else to write.

Specifically, it seems you have some personal investment here, as you
dismiss _easily verified facts_ as "this is not true" and seem to
conveniently ignore parts of my report, so I don't feel you are honestly
interested in improving the situation or seeing the problem.

Anyway, it's up to you - I think an objective party would see the
problem. If you don't see it, or don't want to see it, or don't want to
act, that's your decision, and further discussion here is not needed.

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