Control: tags -1 + stretch


On 12/22/2017 11:37 PM, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> the following vulnerability was published for open-iscsi, whilest only
> "one" of the issues from the qualys report has a CVE, cf. [1], all
> fixes from [2] should preferably be applied. Cf. as well [3].

Thanks for reporting this. It wasn't mentioned on the official
open-iscsi mailing list, and the fact that I've missed the pull
request alerted me to the fact that I wasn't watching the upstream
github repository. (Which I've now rectified.)

I've now uploaded -5 that includes all patches in the pull request
you've mentioned.

I've seen in the security tracker you've marked this no-DSA, so I
assume I should ask the Release team for a p-u to get this fixed
in Stretch?

Note: neither Wheezy nor Jessie include iscsiuio (this was added
in Stretch), so they are not affected by this bug, so only
Stretch is also vulnerable. (stretch-backports is vulnerable,
which I'll fix once a fix for stretch has been uploaded.) It
would be great if you could update the security tracker to reflect


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