Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I am orphaning the lbcd package.

The package description is:
 lbcd is a daemon that answers UDP queries for system load information and
 returns such information as uptime, load, number of logged-in users,
 percentage free of /tmp and /var/tmp, and whether there is a user on the
 console.  It is intended for use with a load balancing system, and is
 particularly useful for such things as UNIX clusters for remote login
 where a traditional hardware load balancing solution doesn't work as well.
 No load balancing system is included in this package, only the client
 daemon and a simple Perl script to query it.  No security or access
 control is done by the daemon, so access control must be done via
 iptables, a firewall, or an equivalent system.

Note that this package is also orphaned upstream.  It's useful for a quick,
unauthenticated view of system health, but modern load balancing techniques
have made it mostly irrelevant today.

I no longer use the package (or maintain it -- I used to be upstream), and
doubt I will want it again in the forseeable future.

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