On 29 December 2017 at 09:58, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti wrote:
| Using gtksourceview3 is already possible; actually, the default for the 
| configure script is to prefer gtk3 over gtk2. Maybe it's just a matter of 
| adjusting the debian-specific scripts?

Yes. It's all programmatic. A long time (5 years? 8 years?) ago I had issues
with gtk3 and just froze gretl it at gtk2.  Time to change.

You can see the settings thanks for our "all sources viewable" server:

 - this line in debian/control governs what is present when gretl builds

 - these lines in debian/rules has the configure call

So I just made changes to both these and will try a build. It should just work.
Snapshot from ongoing build:


  Installation path:                      /usr
  Use readline library:                   yes
  Use gnuplot for graphs:                 yes
  Use pdflatex for typesetting:           yes
  Use libgsf for zip/unzip:               no
  sse2 support for RNG:                   no
  OpenMP support:                         yes
  MPI support:                            yes
  AVX support for arithmetic:             no
  Build with GTK version:                 3.0
  Build gretl documentation:              no
  Use Lucida fonts:                       no
  Build message catalogs:                 yes
  Build gretl addons:                     no
  X-12-ARIMA support:                     yes
  TRAMO/SEATS support:                    yes
  libR support:                           yes
  libsvm support:                         no
  ODBC support:                           yes
  JSON parsing support:                   yes
  Experimental audio support:             no
  Use xdg-utils in installation:          no

  LAPACK libraries:
    -llapack -lblas -lgfortran

Now type 'make' to build gretl. xdg-utils seems like a low-hanging fruit...

We could probably tweak one or two more but keep in mind that we do need
support on 12 different architectures.  Not all of them have everything.
This was on my x86_64 aka amd64.

But thanks for being attentive.  Nothing better for a maintainer that an
alert upstream team :)

Happy 2018,  Dirk

| ---------- Forwarded message ----------
| Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2017 22:17:12 -0500
| From: Jeremy Bicha <jbi...@debian.org>
| To: sub...@bugs.debian.org
| Subject: Bug#885680: gretl: Depends on unmaintained gtksourceview2
| Resent-Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2017 03:21:02 +0000
| Resent-From: Jeremy Bicha <jbi...@debian.org>
| Resent-To: debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org
| Resent-cc: Dirk Eddelbuettel <e...@debian.org>
| Source: gretl
| Version: 2017d-2
| Severity: important
| User: pkg-gnome-maintain...@lists.alioth.debian.org
| Usertags: oldlibs gtksourceview2
| Tags: sid buster
| As announced [1], we do not intend to release Debian 10 "Buster" with
| the old libgnome (and related) libraries. These libraries have been
| deprecated and unmaintained for several years.
| Your package depends on gtksourceview2 which has not had a new release
| since 2010.
| Please port your package to GTK3 and gtksourceview3 and related
| maintained libraries. Otherwise, please consider requesting that your
| package be removed from Debian to help us complete this goal.
| [1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2017/10/msg00299.html
| On behalf of the Debian GNOME team,
| Jeremy Bicha

http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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