
There are 4 bug reports with highly related issues.

https://bugs.debian.org/877312 (This also talk about systemd/wayland)

I am merging the first 3 bugs (in a separate mail) and provide summary
here with pointers to key BTS posts so we can track situation on the web
easily.  Let's talk this on https://bugs.debian.org/654307 .

Setting up input method has 2 levels of configuration:

 1) Choice of input method framework
    -- Choice between: ibus/fcitx/uim
       This is about starting daemon and setting up environment variables.

 2) Choice of language specific input method
    -- Choice between ibus-anthy(Japanese), ibus-hangle(Korean),
                      ibus-chewing(Chinese), ...
       This is GSettings for GNOME3.
       But for KDE and others, I don't know ...

The first one is handled by im-config but the second one require
GSetting (CLI or GUI dialog) prtovided by the DE such as GNOME.
If this is automated by a prompt upon next login, it's nice.  I wonder a
hook script system created by im-config with each ibus-* may help.

The lack of support in the second one by the im-config is the cause of

Some DE may set and start ibus/fcitx/uim in their start up script.  Then
it becomes problem.  It happened for Ubuntu once by starting fcitx.  It
seems that is fixed: https://bugs.debian.org/654307#34 . But it seems
there is something similar happening with in Ubuntu 18.04.
https://bugs.debian.org/877312#15 . At least, im-config doesn't have it
disabled to let the newer DE takeover role of starting daemon and
setting up environment variables.

I don't know how but we need to integrate GSetting of each language
support into im-config system in a consistent way.

To solve the big mess, https://bugs.debian.org/877312#10 may be very
important hint.  (For wayland or systemd specific issues, let's continue
discussion on https://bugs.debian.org/877312 )


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