Hello Dirk,

On Sat, Dec 30, 2017 at 10:34:31PM +0100, Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
> I don't understand the question. What exactly is missing in
> "After update of thunderbird to above version, it doesn't start anymore.
> I only get a popup window, telling me "Your Thunderbird profile cannot
> be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible.". Downgrading the package
> AND rebooting the machine solves the problem (yes, downgrade alone is
> NOT sufficient)."
> and "it worked after removing apparmor"?

You don't provide any information about the state of your machine before
you startetd the update nor after the update. You also don't have
appended any logging information, so how can I unpuzzle that and see
what was going maybe wrong?
We tested the update of course under various cirumstances and didn't
found any regressing problems.

Did you update from 1:52.5.0-1~deb9u1?
Did you had enabled AppArmor in the old version and was running before you
started the update?
What messages was coming along the update?
Please take a look into /var/log/apt/history.log and

Do you use a "normal" profile path /home/$USER/.{icedove,thunderbird}?


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