Am 03.01.2018 um 09:39 teilte Олег Мороз mit:

Hi Oleg,

Happy new year!

according to my knowledge the most top line of the stack trace is the relevant one.

Your first addr2line command leads me to line 1312 in ./contrib/mod_sftp/auth.c. This line just contains a call to function pr_cmd_dispatch_phase(). This function however is implemented in ./src/main.c . So to learn in which part of the function the crash happens one has to go one line up in the stack trace.

So please repeat the command for the most upper line in your stack trace and send me the output. Please use the addresses in the (), I've no clue why the 64bit addresses can't be used.

Many thanks!

So sorry for delay, i'm on vacation.

I believe that problem is in

part of proftpd.log stack trace
2018-01-03 08:29:28,674 sim-ng-data proftpd[29225] sim-ng-data (OpenWrt[]): [5] /usr/lib/proftpd/ [0x7f5e93b9d7ef] 2018-01-03 08:29:28,674 sim-ng-data proftpd[29225] sim-ng-data (OpenWrt[]): [6] /usr/lib/proftpd/ [0x7f5e93b9dc31] 2018-01-03 08:29:28,674 sim-ng-data proftpd[29225] sim-ng-data (OpenWrt[]): [7] /usr/lib/proftpd/ [0x7f5e93b7c9ad] 2018-01-03 08:29:28,674 sim-ng-data proftpd[29225] sim-ng-data (OpenWrt[]): [8] /usr/lib/proftpd/ [0x7f5e93b70a07]

# addr2line -e /usr/lib/proftpd/ 0x3c7ef

# addr2line -e /usr/lib/proftpd/ +0xfa07

unfortunatelly i cant use 64 bit addresses like 0x7f5e93b9d7ef , because in that case addr2line gives ??:0

Log Files snipped.


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