Sean Whitton <> writes:

> Let me first say exactly what change I'd recommend:
> - out-of-date-standards-version should be I: or P: instead of W:
> - ancient-standards-version should remain W:
> - ancient-standards-version should be triggered when S-V contains a
>   release of Policy from the previous stable release cycle
> The third point is mostly covered already because our stable release
> cycles are roughly two years, but possibly there is a better mechanism.

This sounds good to me.

> On the contrary, I argue that
> - the only thing that should be /required/ when uploading a package is
>   making the package non-trivially better than the current version in
>   unstable
> - updating S-V should never block uploading other improvements
> - there are good reasons to release the Policy Manual frequently, and
>   this should not be blocked by the expectation that everyone respond to
>   those new versions in their very next uploads.


People who have time and motivation to polish their packages to
perfection are probably already using --pedantic.

As Princess Leia would say, the more lintian tightens its grip, the
more maintainers will slip through its fingers.


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