Le jeudi 04 janvier 2018 à 23:23:01+0100, Thomas Schmitt a écrit :
> Hi,
> Pierre-Elliott Bécue wrote:
> > I pushed a patch to have the tracker behaving in a proper way even though
> > javascript is disabled.
> That's great news. Since today i began to ponder whether pointing to
> https://www.react-etc.net/entry/exploiting-speculative-execution-meltdown-spectre-via-javascript
> would be appropriate. (I yet fail to see how the time measurement part
> of the exploit can be done via JavaScript. But up to yesterday i failed
> to see how one could spy on the host kernel out of a VM.)

I guess this question would better be addressed in a separate bug, or via
mail on the QA list.

> As for the optical impression: it looks ok with 1 item as on
>   https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/libisoburn
> but a bit overcrowded with 8 items on
>   https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/systemd

Yes, unfortunately that is the counterpart of having everything unfolded.

> My local Iceweasel 31.7.0 with JavaScript enabled does not toggle anything
> by the "v" link, which on mouse-over says "Toggle details". The items stay
> expanded.

Actually the toggle details is no longer relying on javascript but on a
HTML5 tag (<details><summary>Title</summary>Content</details>. Maybe
Iceweasel 31.7.0 does not support such a tag?

Pierre-Elliott Bécue
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