# Thanks for your diligence in closing this bug, however:

reopen 884646

clone 884646 -1
retitle -1 obtuse info in diff for permissions change:
# dgit push printed this
#     dgit: HEAD specifies a different tree to rssh_2.3.4-6.dsc:
#     dgit:  conf_convert | 0
#     dgit:  1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
#   which is a terribly obtuse way of reporting a permission
#   difference.

clone 884646 -2
retitle -2 wrong message about diff in split brain mode
# * dgit push printed this
#     dgit:   ... To see a full diff, run
#     dgit:   git diff dc66d4bce760602ff12f5894baaf931caa2c01fa HEAD
#    but that is completely wrong and produces a bunch of irrelevant
#    stuff.
#   I think the bug is that the message says HEAD but of course the
#   relevant diff is between the .dsc and the dgit view, not between the
#   .dsc and HEAD, in split brain mode.  If I do this
#      git diff dc66d4bce760602ff12f5894baaf931caa2c01fa 
#   I get only the expected mention of the mode of conf_convert.
#   (that hash came from "dgit view: found cached (commit id...)")

clone 884646 -3
retitle -3 dgit(7) should say something about permissions problems
# * dgit push printed this
#     see dgit(7) for some hints
#   but dgit(7) mentions nothing about this kind of problem.

retitle 884646 wrong message about perhaps tree changed
# I discover from UTSL that dgit's quilt cache is keyed off not the tree
# object corresponding to git HEAD, but the HEAD commit id.  (This is
# necessary because the dgit view is a branchlet built on HEAD.)
# But that does mean the message is misleading.  It ought to say:
#    dgit:  perhaps HEAD changed since dgit build[-source] ?
# (And I think, here, that we do mean HEAD and not something else.)


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