> 1. Please do
>    cp /usr/share/ppd/cups-pdf/CUPS-PDF_noopt.ppd 
> /usr/share/ppd/custom/test.ppd
>    (test.ppd can be deleted later on).
> 2. Activate debug logging as described at
> https://wiki.debian.org/DissectingandDebuggingtheCUPSPrintingSystem#The_CUPS_Error_Log
>    Empty the error_log and (as root) do 'lpinfo -m'. Attach the log
>    to your next mail sent here.
>    (You might have to restart cups after using cupsctl.
>     'systemctl restart cups').
> 3. Check whether ppds.dat has changed.

#lpinfo -m
lpinfo: Ungültiger Dateideskriptor (invalid file descriptor)
and /var/log/cups/error_log remains empty.

Date and size of /var/cache/cups/ppds.dat did not change.

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