
> Thanks for the report. I thought about it for a while, and I’d prefer to
> keep the description as-is. Sorry.

Judging by the usage throughout the manpage, as well as in the short
description, you obviously think that "avail" precisely fits the meaning
that you are attempting to convey, but sadly I suspect that it doesn't
actually mean what you think it means.

I'm certainly not an English scholar, but I am a reasonably well
educated native (British) English speaker, and I do include avail" in my
active vocabulary, albeit on the periphery of that vocabulary.

Your usage of "avail" provides me with no real certainty as to what you
mean by it.

You appear to be using it as a synonym for "get", which is not a meaning
that I immediately recognise, nor one that is strongly suggested by
dictionary definitions I can find -- occasionally it is defined as
meaning "provide" but I would even then dispute that it means provide in
the way that you are using it.

Perhaps you could expand on what you think it means.

That might allow people to suggest an alternative choice of words that
would be comprehensible to a wider audience.

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
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