On Mon, 08 Jan 2018, Ian Jackson wrote:
> "The" "immediately preceeding" version ? You mean its single immediate
> ancestor I think. But of course in the presence of merges there maybe
> more than one immediate ancestor.

Right. It's just that the BTS doesn't know about merges. [This is really
because it's hard to know in the case of merges which bugs should be

> When you said the BTS views verisons as a "directed acyclic graph" did
> you mean "ordered forest" ? Ie, it thinks each version has only one
> ancestor ?

Right; it's more than just a DAG, it's also a forest of rooted trees.

> I don't think this explanation can be sufficient to see what I saw. In
> my case, the upload of a new version (4.2) caused the reordering of a
> few previous versions.

Hrm; yeah, that doesn't match what I would have expected to happen
either. Give me a bit to go back through the code and get you a better

Don Armstrong                      https://www.donarmstrong.com

Vimes hated and despised the privileges of rank, but they had this to
be said for them: At least they meant that you could hate and despise
them in comfort.
 -- Terry Pratchett _The Fifth Elephant_ p111

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