On 12/01/2018 16:11, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
Disk is cheaper than brain :-)

Metadata goes on many disks!

doing all the dependency manipulation in sed (*UNTESTED*),
(drop the manual libgtk deps in d/control):

s/(^[^:]*:)/\1 GTK3 | GTK2,/
s/(GTK2)(.*)(libgtk2.0-0 \([^\)]*\))/\3\2/
s/(GTK3)(.*)(libgtk-3-0 \([^\)]*\))/\3\2/

This worked for me in Ubuntu:

sed -ri -e 's/(^[^:]*:Depends=)/\1 GTK3 | GTK2,/' \
        -e 's/(GTK2)(.*)(libgtk2.0-0 \([^\)]*\))/\3\2/' \
        -e 's/(GTK3)(.*)(libgtk-3-0 \([^\)]*\))/\3\2/' \
        debian/nvidia-settings.substvars ; \

but not doing fancy things is much less fragile ...

It's your call.

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