Status update: still waiting for upstream's fix.

On 18/12/17 04:55, Martín Ferrari wrote:
> Adrian,
> Thanks for the report. I presume this error is due to the change in the
> Prometheus' common library. I am already preparing a new upstream
> release, but that is waiting on an upstream bug:
> On 16/12/17 12:03, Adrian Bunk wrote:
>> Source: prometheus-mysqld-exporter
>> Version: 0.9.0+ds-3
>> Severity: serious
>> Tags: buster sid
>> Some recent change in unstable makes prometheus-mysqld-exporter FTBFS:
>> ...
>> === RUN   TestScrapeInnodbMetrics
>> --- FAIL: TestScrapeInnodbMetrics (0.00s)
>>      info_schema_innodb_metrics_test.go:17: no such flag -log.level

Martín Ferrari (Tincho)

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