
On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 09:56:01AM +0100, Michael Stapelberg wrote:
> Happy new year!
> Osamu, any update on this? We’re still really interested.

In progress ... partially working

I need to clean up codes ;-)
I also need couple test cases to test these out.

git served from github, git over WEBDAV, ...

Latest local diff is attached.

>From a635d170bfc8b09218c778ea1f7d3866b0776531 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Osamu Aoki <os...@debian.org>
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2018 21:24:34 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] Improve git (wip)

Now git and git-dumb exists

Need to clean up temporary directory etc.

Signed-off-by: Osamu Aoki <os...@debian.org>
 scripts/uscan.pl | 214 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 160 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/uscan.pl b/scripts/uscan.pl
index 1b47da63..208115cc 100755
--- a/scripts/uscan.pl
+++ b/scripts/uscan.pl
@@ -357,14 +357,42 @@ either B<http> or B<ftp> by URL.
 =item B<git>
 This mode accesses the upstream git archive directly with the B<git> command
-and packs the source tree with the specified tag into
+and packs the source tree with the specified tag via I<matching-pattern> into
 If the upstream publishes the released tarball via its web interface, please
 use it instead of using this mode.  This mode is the last resort method.
+If I<matching-pattern> is set to B<HEAD>, the pertinent I<version> is
+automatically generated with the date and hush of the B<HEAD> of the git
+=item B<git-dumb>
+B<This is currently not yet implemented>.
+When the upstream git archive is a dumb HTTP server which doesn't allow shallow
+checkout, this B<git-dumb> mode should be used instead.
+Other than the fact that this mode makes full clone of the upstream repository
+as needed, this mode behaves exactly the same as the B<git> mode.
+=item B<pretty=>I<rule>
+Set the upstream version string to an arbitrary format as an optional B<opts>
+argument when the I<matching-pattern> is B<HEAD> for B<git> and B<git-dumb>
+modes.  For the exact syntax, see the B<get-log> manpage under B<tformat>.  The
+default is B<pretty=0.0~git%cd.%h>.
+=item B<date=>I<rule>
+Set the date string used by the B<pretty> option to an arbitrary format as an
+optional B<opts> argument when the I<matching-pattern> is B<HEAD> for B<git>
+and B<git-dumb> modes.  For the exact syntax, see the B<strftime> manpage.  The
+default is B<date=%Y%m%d>.
 =item B<pgpmode=>I<mode>
 Set the PGP/GPG signature verification I<mode>.
@@ -1121,19 +1149,43 @@ watch file for this site without using the redirector.
 Sites which used to be hosted on the Google Code service should have migrated
 to elsewhere (github?).  Please look for the newer upstream site.
-=head2 direct access to the git repository
+=head2 direct access to the git repository (tags)
-If the upstream only publishes its code via the git repository and it has no web
-interface to obtain the release tarball, you can use uscan with the tags of
-the git repository.
+If the upstream only publishes its code via the git repository and its code has
+no web interface to obtain the release tarball, you can use B<uscan> with the
+tags of the git repository to track and package the new upstream release.
-  opts="mode=git, pgpmode=none" \
+  opts="mode=git-dumb, pgpmode=none" \
   http://git.ao2.it/tweeper.git \
   refs/tags/v([\d\.]+) debian uupdate
-Please note "B<git ls-remote>" is used to obtain references for tags.  If a tag
-B<v20.5> is the newest tag, the above example downloads I<spkg>B<-20.5.tar.xz>.
+Please note "B<git ls-remote>" is used to obtain references for tags.
+If a tag B<v20.5> is the newest tag, the above example downloads
+I<spkg>B<-20.5.tar.xz> after making a full clone of the git repository
+published via dumb HTTP server.
+=head2 direct access to the git repository (HEAD)
+If the upstream only publishes its code via the git repository and its code has
+no web interface nor the tags to obtain the released tarball, you can use
+B<uscan> with the HEAD of the git repository to track and package the new
+upstream release with an automatically generated version string.
+  version=4
+  opts="mode=git, pgpmode=none" \
+  https://github.com/Debian/dh-make-golang \
+  HEAD debian uupdate
+Please note that a local shallow copy of the git repository is made with
+"B<git clone --bare --depth=1> ..." normally in the F<../uscan.tmp>
+directory.  B<uscan> generates the new upstream version with "B<git log
+--date=%Y%m%d --pretty=0.0~git%cd.%h>" on this local copy of repository as its
+default behavior.
+The generation of the upstream version string may the adjusted to your taste by
+adding B<pretty> and B<date> options to the B<opts> arguments.
@@ -2576,8 +2628,19 @@ sub process_watchfile ($$$$)
 # For http sites:
 #   http://site.name/dir/path/pattern-(.+)\.tar\.gz [version [action]]
+# watch_version=3 and 4: See details in POD.
+# For ftp sites:
+#   ftp://site.name/dir/path pattern-(.+)\.tar\.gz [version [action]]
+# For http sites:
+#   http://site.name/dir/path pattern-(.+)\.tar\.gz [version [action]]
+# For git sites:
+#   http://site.name/dir/path/project.git refs/tags/v([\d\.]+) [version [action]]
 # or
-#   http://site.name/dir/path/base pattern-(.+)\.tar\.gz [version [action]]
+#   http://site.name/dir/path/project.git HEAD [version [action]]
 # watch_version=3 and 4: See POD for details.
@@ -2609,7 +2672,9 @@ sub process_watchline ($$$$$$)
 	'mode' => 'LWP',
 	'pgpmode' => 'default',
 	'decompress' => 0,
-	'versionmode' => 'newer'
+	'versionmode' => 'newer',
+	'pretty' => '0.0~git%cd.%h',
+	'date' => '%Y%m%d',
 	); # non-persistent variables
     my ($request, $response);
     my ($newfile, $newversion);
@@ -2704,6 +2769,10 @@ sub process_watchline ($$$$$$)
 			$options{'component'} = $1;
 		} elsif ($opt =~ /^\s*mode\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/) {
 			$options{'mode'} = $1;
+		} elsif ($opt =~ /^\s*pretty\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/) {
+			$options{'pretty'} = $1;
+		} elsif ($opt =~ /^\s*date\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/) {
+			$options{'date'} = $1;
 		} elsif ($opt =~ /^\s*pgpmode\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/) {
 			$options{'pgpmode'} = $1;
 		} elsif ($opt =~ /^\s*decompress\s*$/) {
@@ -2805,7 +2874,14 @@ sub process_watchline ($$$$$$)
 	# Check $filepattern is OK
-	if ( $filepattern !~ /\([^?].*\)/) {
+	if ($options{'mode'} eq 'git' or $options{'mode'} eq 'git-dumb') {
+	    if ($filepattern eq 'HEAD') {
+		$versionless = 1;
+	    } elsif ( $filepattern !~ /\([^?].*\)/) {
+		uscan_warn "Tag pattern missing version delimiters () for mode=git\n  in $watchfile, skipping:\n  $line\n";
+		return 1;
+	    }
+	} elsif ( $filepattern !~ /\([^?].*\)/) {
 	    if (exists $options{'filenamemangle'}) {
 		$versionless = 1;
 	    } else {
@@ -3029,17 +3105,42 @@ sub process_watchline ($$$$$$)
-# {{{ code 3.1: search $newversion, $newfile in $content
+# {{{ code 3.1: search $newversion in $content
+    if ($options{'mode'} eq 'git' and $versionless) {
+# {{{ code 3.1.1: search $newversion (git mode/versionless)
+	# TODO: sanitize $base used as "git clone $base"
+	my $gitrepodir = "$pkg-ls.$$.git";
+	uscan_verbose "Execute: git clone --depth=1 $base\n";
+	system('git', 'clone', '--bare', '--depth=1', $base, "$destdir/$gitrepodir");
+	$newversion=`git --git-dir=$destdir/$gitrepodir log -1 --date=format:$options{'date'} --pretty="$options{'pretty'}"`;
+	chomp($newversion);
+# }}} code 3.1.1: search $newversion (git mode/versionless)
+    } elsif ($options{'mode'} eq 'git-dumb' and $versionless) { # Track HEAD
+# {{{ code 3.1.2: search $newversion (git-dumb mode/versionless)
-    if ($options{'mode'} eq 'git') {
+	# TODO: sanitize $base used as "git clone $base"
+	my $gitrepodir = "$pkg-ls.$$.git";
+	uscan_verbose "Execute: git clone $base\n";
+	system('git', 'clone', '--bare', $base, "$destdir/$gitrepodir");
+	$newversion=`git --git-dir=$destdir/$gitrepodir log -1 --date=format:$options{'date'} --pretty="$options{'pretty'}"`;
+	chomp($newversion);
-# {{{ code 3.1.1: search $newversion, $newfile (git mode)
+# }}} code 3.1.2: search $newversion (git-dumb mode/versionless)
-	# TODO: sanitize $base
+    } elsif ($options{'mode'} eq 'git' or $options{'mode'} eq 'git-dumb') {
+# {{{ code 3.1.3: search $newversion (git/git-dumb mode/tag)
+	# TODO: sanitize $base used as "git ls-remote $base"
 	uscan_verbose "Execute: git ls-remote $base\n";
-	open(REFS, "-|", 'git', 'ls-remote', $base) ||
-	    uscan_die "$progname: you must have the git package installed\n"
-	      . "to use git URLs\n";
+ 	open(REFS, "-|", 'git', 'ls-remote', $base) ||
+ 	    uscan_die "$progname: you must have the git package installed\n";
 	my @refs;
 	my $ref;
 	my $version;
@@ -3094,11 +3195,11 @@ sub process_watchline ($$$$$$)
 		 return 1;
-# }}} code 3.1.1: search $newversion, $newfile (git mode)
+# }}} code 3.1.3: search $newversion (git/git-dumb mode/tag)
     } elsif ($options{'mode'} eq 'http') {
-# {{{ code 3.1.2: search $newversion, $newfile (http mode)
+# {{{ code 3.1.4: search $newversion (http mode)
 	# HTTP site
 	if (defined($1) and !$haveSSL) {
@@ -3269,11 +3370,11 @@ sub process_watchline ($$$$$$)
-# }}} code 3.1.2: search $newversion, $newfile (http mode)
+# }}} code 3.1.4: search $newversion (http mode)
     } elsif ($options{'mode'} eq 'ftp') {
-# {{{ code 3.1.3: search $newversion, $newfile (ftp mode)
+# {{{ code 3.1.5: search $newversion (ftp mode)
 	# FTP site
 	if (exists $options{'pasv'}) {
@@ -3391,21 +3492,22 @@ sub process_watchline ($$$$$$)
-# }}} code 3.1.3: search $newversion, $newfile (ftp mode)
+# }}} code 3.1.5: search $newversion (ftp mode)
     } else {
-# {{{ code 3.1.4: search $newversion, $newfile (non-existing mode)
+# {{{ code 3.1.6: search $newversion (non-existing mode)
 	uscan_warn "Unknown mode=$options{'mode'} set in $watchfile\n";
 	return 1;
-# }}} code 3.1.4: search $newversion, $newfile (non-existing mode)
+# }}} code 3.1.6: search $newversion (non-existing mode)
+    uscan_debug "found \$newversion = $newversion\n";
     # End Checking $site and look for $filepattern which is newer than $lastversion
-# }}} code 3.1: search $newversion, $newfile in $content
+# }}} code 3.1: search $newversion in $content
@@ -3441,13 +3543,17 @@ EOF
     # Determine download URL for tarball or signature
     my $upstream_url;
     # Upstream URL?  Copying code from below - ugh.
-    if ($options{'mode'} eq 'git') {
+    if ($options{'mode'} eq 'git' or $options{'mode'} eq 'git-dumb') {
-# {{{ code 3.3.1: determine $upstream_url (git mode)
+# {{{ code 3.3.1: determine $upstream_url (git/git-dumb mode)
-	$upstream_url = "$base $newfile";
+	if ($versionless) {
+	    $upstream_url = "$base HEAD";
+	} else {
+	    $upstream_url = "$base $newversion";
+	}
-# }}} code 3.3.1: determine $upstream_url (git mode)
+# }}} code 3.3.1: determine $upstream_url (git/git-dumb mode)
     } elsif ($site =~ m%^https?://%) {
@@ -3543,7 +3649,12 @@ EOF
     uscan_verbose "Newest upstream tarball version selected for download (uversionmangled): $newversion\n" if $newversion;
     my $newfile_base;
-    if (exists $options{'filenamemangle'}) {
+    if ($options{'mode'} eq 'git' or $options{'mode'} eq 'git-dumb') {
+	# git tarball name
+	my $zsuffix = get_suffix($compression);
+	$newfile_base = "$pkg-$newversion.tar.$zsuffix";
+    } elsif (exists $options{'filenamemangle'}) {
+	# HTTP or FTP site (with filenamemangle)
 	if ($versionless) {
 	    $newfile_base = $upstream_url;
 	} else {
@@ -3572,22 +3683,17 @@ EOF
 	    uscan_verbose "Newest upstream tarball version from the filenamemangled filename: $newversion\n";
     } else {
-	if ($options{'mode'} eq 'http' or $options{'mode'} eq 'ftp') {
-	    $newfile_base = basename($newfile);
-	    if ($options{'mode'} eq 'http') {
-		# Remove HTTP header trash
-		$newfile_base =~ s/[\?#].*$//; # PiPy
-		# just in case this leaves us with nothing
-		if ($newfile_base eq '') {
-		    uscan_warn "No good upstream filename found after removing tailing ?... and #....\n   Use filenamemangle to fix this.\n";
-		    return 1;
-		}
+	# HTTP or FTP site (without filenamemangle)
+	$newfile_base = basename($newfile);
+	if ($options{'mode'} eq 'http') {
+	    # Remove HTTP header trash
+	    $newfile_base =~ s/[\?#].*$//; # PiPy
+	    # just in case this leaves us with nothing
+	    if ($newfile_base eq '') {
+		uscan_warn "No good upstream filename found after removing tailing ?... and #....\n   Use filenamemangle to fix this.\n";
+		return 1;
-	} else { # options{'mode'} eq 'git' or options{'mode'} eq 'git-dumb'
-	    # git tarball name
-	    my $zsuffix = get_suffix($compression);
-	    $newfile_base = "$pkg-$newversion.tar.$zsuffix";
-	}
+        }
     uscan_verbose "Download filename (filenamemangled): $newfile_base\n";
@@ -3680,8 +3786,8 @@ EOF
 # {{{ code 3.6: download tarball
-    my $download_available;
-    my $signature_available;
+    my $download_available = 0;
+    my $signature_available = 0;
     my $sigfile;
     my $sigfile_base = $newfile_base;
     if ($options{'pgpmode'} ne 'previous') {
@@ -4238,7 +4344,7 @@ sub downloader ($$$$$)
 	my ($url, $fname, $optref, $base, $pkg_dir) = @_;
 	my ($request, $response);
-	if ($$optref{'mode'} eq 'git') {
+	if ($$optref{'mode'} eq 'git' or $$optref{'mode'} eq 'git-dumb') {
 	    my $curdir = cwd();
 	    $fname =~ m%(.*)/([^/]*)-([^_/-]*)\.tar\.(gz|xz|bz2|lzma)%;
 	    my $dst = $1;
@@ -4246,12 +4352,12 @@ sub downloader ($$$$$)
 	    my $ver = $3;
 	    my $suffix = $4;
 	    my ($gitrepo, $gitref) = split /[[:space:]]+/, $url, 2;
-	    my $gitrepodir = "$pkg.$$.git";
+	    my $gitrepodir = "$pkg-archive.$$.git";
 	    uscan_verbose "Execute: git clone --bare $gitrepo $dst/$gitrepodir\n";
 	    system('git', 'clone', '--bare', $gitrepo, "$dst/$gitrepodir") == 0 or uscan_die("git clone failed\n");
 	    chdir "$dst/$gitrepodir" or uscan_die("Unable to chdir(\"$dst/$gitrepodir\"): $!\n");
-	    uscan_verbose "Execute: git archive --format=tar --prefix=$pkg-$ver/ --output=$curdir/$dst/$pkg-$ver.tar $gitref\n";
-	    system('git', 'archive', '--format=tar', "--prefix=$pkg-$ver/", "--output=$curdir/$dst/$pkg-$ver.tar", $gitref) == 0 or uscan_die("git archive failed\n");;
+	    uscan_verbose "Execute: git --git-dir=$destdir/$gitrepodir archive --format=tar --prefix=$pkg-$ver/ --output=$curdir/$dst/$pkg-$ver.tar $gitref\n";
+	    system('git', "--git-dir=$destdir/$gitrepodir", 'archive', '--format=tar', "--prefix=$pkg-$ver/", "--output=$curdir/$dst/$pkg-$ver.tar", $gitref) == 0 or uscan_die("git archive failed\n");;
 	    chdir "$curdir/$dst" or uscan_die("Unable to chdir($curdir/$dst): $!\n");
 	    if ($suffix eq 'gz') {
 		uscan_verbose "Execute: gzip -n -9 $pkg-$ver.tar\n";
@@ -4270,7 +4376,7 @@ sub downloader ($$$$$)
 		exit 1;
 	    chdir "$curdir" or uscan_die("Unable to chdir($curdir): $!\n");
-	} elsif ($url =~ m%^http(s)?://%) {
+	} elsif ($$optref{'mode'} eq 'http') {
 	    if (defined($1) and !$haveSSL) {
 		uscan_die "$progname: you must have the liblwp-protocol-https-perl package installed\nto use https URLs\n";
@@ -4823,7 +4929,7 @@ sub safe_replace($$)
 	$replacement =~ s/\\\Q$sep\E/$sep/g;
 	# If bracketing quotes were used, also unescape the
 	# closing version
-	# {{ dummy for editor
+	### {{ ### (FOOL EDITOR for non-quoted kets)
 	$replacement =~ s/\\\Q}\E/}/g if $sep eq '{';
 	$replacement =~ s/\\\Q]\E/]/g if $sep eq '[';
 	$replacement =~ s/\\\Q)\E/)/g if $sep eq '(';

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